Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Offshore Call Center Call Centers India

CCI, International inbound call center, offshore call center in India. This call center provides outsourcing services to world companies by its inbound/outbound, back-office, technical support services etc. Call Centers India offshore call center offers its customers the offshore expertise to a level of quality.

By acquiring Call Centers India offshore call center, you can better prospects (database creation, qualification of prospects, making appointments, setting up traffic), to better support your sales force (preparation for sale, detection projects, support networks), better selling business to business and business to consumer, better customer loyalty (cross-selling, sales, collections).

Answering Services: We consistently 24x7 provides quality phone answering services to resolve customer queries.

Direct sales by the Call Centers India : We supplement your sales force with our sales techniques to better target your customers to rapidly increase your sales.

We impulsons creating your traffic: To generate interest in your event to your target and create traffic in your retail outlets, salons and events or in your showroom.

Market research and surveys with the Call Centers India: We, you your market research, satisfication surveys, image studies and surveys.

Qualification files with the Call Centers India : We enrich your files appeals with the criteria and the information you want to better target your database.

Exploration and detection of the project by Call Centers India: We identity opportunities to purchase and investment of your customers and prospects.

Offshore data processing: We also offer a wide range of input data; input, input database, entering purchase orders, entering directory entry reply coupons, entering questionnaire before investigation.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Why Outsourcing/Offshoring?

Offshoring is a strategic management process where activities are transferred to another company.

The most important reasons for outsourcing are:

1.Making a business more competitive, while remaining focused on his Heart of professional skills.

2.Reduce costs and efficiency.

3.Access to resources or specific skills. At least three models for outsourcing of business processes can be distinguished:
a.) Shared services center,
b.) Spin. This business school part of the parent company to specialize in certain activities that are outsourced by the parent company.
c.) Outsource to an external organization.

Other interests of potential outsourcing:-

● Refocusing on the heart of business.
● Reducing risks by trust in an expert.
● Improved customer satisfaction through process improvement not part of the culture or experience of the company.
● Ability to reward employees with career opportunities in a company.
● Improvement project.
● Improved services.
● Uprgrading skills.
● Conservation skills.
● Access qualifications.
● Injection technology.
● Accounting and overall visibility of accounting and performance in business processes.
● Reduced costs.
● Managing the volatility of costs in financial engineering.
● Conversion of active.
● Abolition of capital investment.